Let's work together

My Services

book your clarity call

Call forward your authentic self

1:1 Private Coaching

Travel the unknown spaces between who you once were and who you are yet to be. I am here to walk beside you - holding space for the greatest journey to unfold before you: your journey back home to yourself. Your dreams, your thriving life, your abundance. It's all waiting for you.

Together, we can travel through all the levels of your being - discovering how you can bring compassion to the mind to open up to deeper levels of emotional and somatic transformation. We also bring in strategy to explore behavioural patterns and simple changes to call forward a more aligned way of being. 

You constantly criticize and judge yourself
You prioritize others and put yourself last
You do work that pays the bills but it doesn't light you up
You are unsatisfied in your relationship and it feels one sided
You reject your feelings and push through with willpower
You fear what would happen if you spoke your truth or expressed a boundary
You are accomplished in your external life, yet you feel empty and lost inside 

Do any of these sound familiar?

Let me know if you can relate...

What I can support you with—real transformation that leads to:

A deeper connection with yourself, your body and the world around you
A solid trust and foundation in who you are so you can take action towards your ideal life
More freedom of expression so you can tap into expansive feelings such as joy and peace
Safety to enjoy pleasure in your body
More spaciousness to tap into your creativity and true purpose in life
Hearing the voice of your intuition and following that wisdom
A deep awareness that the universe is friendly
Knowing your worthiness

"I have to say I am sitting here this morning with SOOO much gratitude for you and how you help me through feelings and situations. I am amazed with the ease by which you work and the beauty for all you hold."

— Cathy Marshall, Certified Quantum-Touch™ Instructor

Client Love

First we schedule a complimentary clarity call to connect and make sure we are a good fit for working together. On the call, we explore your desires and intentions for coaching. We create an entire roadmap for you - where you want to be, where you are now, and what blocks you from getting there. If you wish to move forward from here, I will offer a recommendation for you from the packages below. 

What to expect

Creating the roadmap through clarity

This option is excellent for women who want a taste of coaching. A LOT can transform in three sessions! Make real changes in your life as a result of overcoming your blocks, gain clarity on a relationship issue, reframe a situation that is holding you back and so much more. Get to the root and clear the way for you to live more authentically.

Try out private 1:1 coaching in a 3-session package. 

3 Session Package

Claim your worthiness, start playing bigger and live life with more intention, purpose and self love. Coaching is such a personal journey so there is no cookie cutter template that I follow. Instead, we flow with what is alive and trust the direction we are led. You can expect a completely customized experience fit to your needs and growth potential. Transform on 5 levels of your being. We can identify, explore and transform on the mind, body, emotional, unconscious and behavioural levels.

You are ready to do the inner work and commit to a longer container of transformation. Let's dive deep and make some real lasting changes in your life. 

3-6 Month Packages

"Katie provided a calm, safe and non-judgemental space so that I could explore the vulnerabilities within myself. I was met with compassion and understanding while truly feeling heard and acknowledged when expressing my emotions and feelings. The embodied experience allowed me to quiet my inner critic and the external expectations that were raging inside my head, so that I could listen to the whispers of my heart and soul. My sessions with Katie have given me the clarity and direction I needed, making me feel more empowered and confident as I’m learning to trust in myself. We all have the answers we seek inside of us and Katie offers us her gentle guidance on our paths to self discovery, healing and authenticity."

— Natalie

Client Love

You are ready to step into your power and greatness and stop playing small in the world

You are ready to start taking responsibility for your life and be challenged, trusting that what you seek will come to you

You are done with feeling stuck, unsatisfied and always accommodating others

My coaching is for you if...

My coaching is not for you if...

You want someone to give you all the answers and tell you what to do

You are not ready and willing to make real change in your life 

You are not able to make time in your schedule

Coaching FAQ's

What to know more? Get all the details here.

book a free clarity call

I'm honoured to walk this path with you and support you on your journey of self discovery and authenticity. Click the link below to schedule a free no-obligation clarity call. 

Let's schedule a clarity call to see if we are a good fit to work together.

Next steps...

Coaching Disclaimer:
Coaching is not a substitute for counseling, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, mental health care or substance abuse treatment, and is not to be used in place of any form of therapy. All coaching disclaimers

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